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Quickly Rent out your Mars Rental Home

The fourth planet from the sun is Mars, and it's a cold, desert-like place covered in dust. This dust is made of iron oxides, giving the planet its iconic red hue. Mars shares similarities with Earth and that's why Colorado Realty and Property Management, Inc. (CRPM) made the decision to get there first. It is rocky, has mountains, valleys and canyons, and storm systems ranging from localized tornado-like dust devils to planet-engulfing dust storms. Because we manage properties in Colorado where the terrain is very similar to that on Mars, we believe that CRPM is the best suited and most capable of establishing a thriving extension of our Colorado-based business.


NEWS: Mars Simulation Concludes

"Four NASA astronauts emerged from a yearlong Earth-based mission over the weekend, having been sequestered in a habitat simulating life inside a base on Mars. The effort is designed to uncover potential unforeseen challenges involved in an eventual crewed voyage to the red planet.

Taking place inside a 1,700-square-foot, 3D-printed installation at Houston's Johnson Space Center (see inside), the group spent time growing self-sustainable crops, simulating walks on the Martian surface, and more. The effect of the relative isolation on the crew was also studied.

At an average of 140 million miles from Earth, a one-way trip to Mars could take around nine months each way. The transit time depends on how much fuel is used to accelerate the spacecraft, among many other challenges.

NASA does not have a firm target for a crewed Martian mission—potential timelines point to the late 2030s. However, the current Artemis program includes building a lunar orbital station as a steppingstone by 2031." - Read Full Article on Forbes.

What Exactly Is On Mars...?

Substantial scientific evidence suggests that Mars at one point billions of years ago was a much warmer, wetter world. Rivers and maybe even oceans existed. Although Mars' atmosphere is too thin for liquid water to exist on the surface for any length of time, remnants of that wetter Mars still exist today. Sheets of water ice the size of California lie beneath Mars' surface, and at both poles are ice caps made in part of frozen water.

mars property management testamonial

CRPM is no stranger to the cold, frozen pipes and furnace problems. In fact, whenever we get a severe drop in temperature our maintenance coordinators are working overtime to ensure that our residents are comfortable in their homes. In July 2018, scientists revealed that they had found evidence of a liquid lake beneath the surface of the southern pole's ice cap. It's the first example of a persistent body of water on the Red Planet. Our lakeside rental properties will probably be our most popular.

What Are The Laws On Mars?

Simply put, declaring Mars as a “free planet” and refusing any Earth-based authority over Martian activities conflicts with the international obligations of the United States under the Outer Space Treaty, which naturally take precedence over contractual terms of services.

CRPM is no stranger to laws for landlords. In fact, no matter whose national flags are planted on the lunar surface - no landlord, or nation can 'own' the Moon. As of 2019, 109 nations and all landlords are bound by the Treaty, and another 23 have signed the agreement but have yet to be officially recognized.

Scientists also think ancient Mars would have had the conditions to support life like bacteria and other microbes. This may sound like mold, however it's very important to understand that in most cases it's only mildew. Mildew can be cleaned up very easily with soapy water and clorox.

Hope that signs of this past life — and the possibility of even current lifeforms — may exist on the Red Planet has driven numerous space exploration missions and Mars is now one of the most explored planets in the solar system. That's why Colorado Realty and Property Management, Inc. will be there first to help you with your leasing and management needs.

Contact us today to get on the list as properties become available.
